
10 Great Ways of Increasing Your Rizq (Provision)

21 October 2024

The Creator of the universe is Allah Almighty. One of Allah's greatest attributes is that He is the Provider, Sustainer, and Giver of all. Only He can provide rizq to His creatures. From plants, animals, ghosts, to human beings only He has the supreme authority to give. The rizq of both Muslims and non-Muslims is His responsibility. Rizq is much more than simply food. It has a profound significance. It alludes to all of it that provides happiness and satisfaction. It comprises worldly provisions and also perfect health, moral descendants, faith, piety, and intelligence. All of these things are desired by everyone. Allah Almighty mentioned in Quran that:

What Is Rizq? And Allah Is Ar-Raziq and Ar-Razzaq

Rizq is unpredictable. Sometimes it comes from unexpected places and in a variety of ways. Rizq from Allah includes wealth, health, and even greying hair. Certain scholars interpret Rizq as ‘sustenance,' ‘provision,' or ‘blessings.' It may also be viewed as being something beneficial or anything which prevents danger. Considering that, encapsulating the essence of Rizq in a simple phrase is challenging as Rizq represents nourishment, provision, prosperity, and much more.

The term Rizq appears 123 times in the Quran, with the majority of them addressing how it came from Allah the Exalted. He is the one who decides what an individual will receive in this lifetime. Allah (SWT) is the source of our delight, and Allah (SWT) is the source of our sorrow. Only He is Ar-Raziq and Ar-Razzaq. It is described in Quran that:

Methods to Increase Rizq

Following are some of the ways to increase rizq:

1.Do Istaghfaar (Tawbah) from Sins

Each day, we must repent to Allah (SWT) for our misdeeds with our hearts, not merely with our tongues. Most individuals believe that their poverty is rising rather than lessening; these are the ones who seek repentance with their words and not with their hearts. It is also essential not to commit the same sins again. In Allah's view, genuine forgiveness is among the most favored actions. Allah Almighty mentions in Quran:

2.Taqwa (Piety) And Allah's Obedience

In the Holy Quran, Allah (SWT) promises that whoever fears Allah, He would bless him with resources that he could never have dreamed of. That’s why as real believers, we should practice Taqwa, be submissive to Almighty God, and carry out our responsibilities in a virtuous manner. Allah Almighty mentioned in Quran:

On this, Anas b. Malik reported that Allah's Messenger (S.A.W) thus told him:

3.Upholding Ties of Kinship

When interacting with family, we must be vigilant. Allah (SWT) despises the breaking of family connections the most. Our close family, which includes siblings, sisters, uncles, aunts, and parents, does have certain rights over us, and if we intend to improve our provision, we should treat them well. If one wishes to be successful in life, one must practice the things that Allah (SWT) values the most. It is narrated by Anas bin Malik:

4.Giving Sadaqah (Charity)

When we do charity (Sadaqah), it looks that our income has maybe lessened. However, there is a secret benefit within it and Allah pledges to replenish everything we contribute in His direction, whether it be in this life or in the Afterlife. Allah (SWT) says in Quran:

Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (?) as saying:

5.Offering Ibaadah and Fasting

All Muslims are obligated to pray and fast. Those who consistently pray and fast during the month of Ramadan will benefit from greater provisions. Offering voluntary prayers and fasting also increases the rizq of Muslims. Allah Almighty mentioned in Quran:

In a hadith, it is described that:

(Abu) Khalid Al-Walibi narrated from Abu Hurairah and he (one of the narrators) said:

6.Make Dua (Supplication)

Dua is really the ultimate factor that has the power to influence our fate, and if Allah decrees, He may give us more if we supplicate frequently. Allah likes people who make supplications to Him and request Him for anything, even if it’s a shoelace. Therefore, we can say that Dua is the believer's hidden weapon. Be genuine, have Tawakkul, and pray to Him for an expansion in Rizq. Ensure you want Halaal rizq rather than Haram sustenance to be boosted.

It was narrated from Umm Salamah that when the Prophet (?) performed the Subh (morning prayer), while he said the Salam, he would say:

7.Offering Pilgrimage

Allah raises the rizq for people who make pilgrimages to His house. Consequently, perform Umrah and Hajj to benefit from Allah's blessings and sustenance. In a hadith, it is mentioned that:

Abdullah (bin Mas'ud) narrated that:

8.Marriage (Nikkah)

Individuals nowadays consider marriage to be a financial burden owing to expensive and inflated spending. Marriage is ordered by Allah (SWT) to be a relatively basic process. Marriage is among the easiest methods to raise rizq, and even more so if conducted simply. It is written in Quran:

9.Having Children

When Muslims have kids, Allah tells them to not be afraid of deprivation. Allah (SWT) brings his rizq before he was even born. Allah (SWT) says in Quran:


Those who act honestly in their lives and maintain integrity in all their relationships will receive the good news of greater provisions. Allah (SWT) condemns those who defraud and abandon others. Therefore, you should be truthful and sincere in your daily activities.

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