
Role of Khadija Bint Al-Khuwaylid: The First Woman of Islam

21 October 2024

Women are highly valued in Islam. Many Muslim women have played an influential role in Islam and make their names highlighted in Islamic history. Hazrat Khadija (R.A) is amongst the most protruding names. She is a great inspiration and a role model for millions of women. Without a doubt, her personality was extremely inspiring and the most effective one in Islam. Khadijah (R.A) was the very first spouse of Muhammad (S.A.W) and the first woman to embrace the Islamic faith. She used to help the Prophet (S.A.W) to spread the teachings of Islam by using her riches and influence. Khadijah (R.A) was forty years old when she married Muhammad (S.A.W). He (S.A.W) was working for the worldwide trade system that she was running at the time. She stood by him once he proclaimed himself the divine messenger of a new religion after receiving a revelation from Allah (SWT). Because of her devotion towards her husband, Khadijah is regarded as having played a pivotal impact in the history of Islam. Khadijah (R.A) had a charming personality like no other person. Regardless of this notion that women were considered second-class citizens in her lifetime, she was one of the world's most renowned global career women. Click here

The Most Influential Muslim Women

Khadijah (R.A) was the daughter of Khuwaylid and was born in Mecca in 555 CE. She was a leading woman who was respected by masses. She also embraces the label of being the very first Muslim woman. Khadijah (R.A) was born into a privileged family. Her family was prominent in Mecca and fairly affluent; she might have enjoyed a comfortable life. Khadijah (R.A) was a bright and hardworking young lady who excelled at business. When her father passed away, the young woman took over the family company, which prospered and developed under her leadership. Khadijah (R.A) who was both kind and diligent provided a large sum of money to aid people. She tends to support the poor, ill, handicapped, widows, orphans, and offered financial support for needy couples to marry.

The Wife of Muhammad (S.A.W)

When Khadijah (R.A) was 40 years old, she was well-known throughout Arabia as a strong, intelligent, and self-sufficient lady, and several men sought to work for her. When she needed an agent, she chose Muhammad (S.A.W), a competent young guy with a character for being genuine and conscientious.

Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W) was just 25 years old when he obtained the position, but he quickly established himself as a great performer as well as a pleasant and honest individual. Within a short period of time, Khadijah (R.A) felt that he would be a good life mate also, and she offered marriage to Muhammad (S.A.W). Their age gap was 15 years, yet there was never any doubt about their entire dedication to one other. Muhammad (S.A.W) continued to work for Khadijah's (R.A) caravan business. They had 6 children but only Fatimah (R.A) survived to adulthood. For 15 years, Khadijah (R.A) and Muhammad (S.A.W) lived peacefully and productively, but when Muhammad (S.A.W) turned 40, their lifestyle took a dramatic turn.

Muhammad (S.A.W) used to meditate in a cave outside Mecca. But one day He (S.A.W) came back home from the cave fatigued and terrified, crying to Khadijah for assistance. He informed her that the angel Gabriel had appeared to him with a revelation from God, and he had no idea what that even means. She persuaded him and told him that the news was not to be feared. Khadijah (R.A) was the first Muslim convert and was Muhammad's (S.A.W) most steadfast believer, supporter, and companion throughout the challenges that came ahead.

Khadijah (R.A) pushed Muhammad (S.A.W) to abandon his business and devote his whole time to preaching. She monetarily backed him so that he could teach with all his passion and power; she did so for the remainder of her life. She also helped his followers when they needed it. Khadijah (R.A) used her political status and authority to safeguard Muhammad (S.A.W) throughout the formative days of Islam's gradual and riskier expansion.

She was an ideal wife and the only one who strongly believes in Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W). In Islam, the relation of husband and wife is extremely pure and worthy of love. Allah (SWT) in Quran says that: Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W) really loved his first wife Hazrat Khadijah (R.A) and was used to sharing everything with her. It is also stated in a Hadith where When she perished in 620AD, Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W) excavated her grave himself. Khadija (R.A) is recognized as being one of history's most prominent women because she stayed with the Prophet (S.A.W) in his toughest trying times.

Services of Hazrat Khadijah (R.A) For Islam

Whenever the Prophet (P.B.U.H) went to sit in the cave of Hira on Jabal-e-Noor, it was Hazrat Khadija (R.A) who used to go up there and bring him food and necessaries. She was the first one to adopt Islam as it was preached by the Prophet (P.B.U.H). The Quraish separated the Bani Hashim (the Prophet's (S.A.W) family) in 616 AD, and they sought sanctuary in a ravine known as Shib-e-Abu Talib. Hazrat Khadija (R.A) was also present, and it was her property (which she gave in the path of Islam) that supported the Muslims alive at that period. The invasion lasted three years, throughout that time they suffered from food, dehydration, and the desert's temperature fluctuations. Hazrat Khadijah (R.A) supported them as much as she can and her efforts were really admired in Islam.

The Death of Hazrat Khadijah (R.A) – The Year of Grief

Hazrat Khadijah (R. A) was married to Hazrat Muhammad (S.AW) for about 25 years. She passed away on the 10th of Ramadan in 619 AD, three years before the Hijrah. When she perished, none of her money remained; it was all used to spread Islam. She got cremated at Makkah wearing the Holy Prophet's cloak (P.B.U.H). The same year also saw the death of Hazrat Abu Talib (A.S).

The year was named Aam-ul-Huzn by the Prophet (P.B.U.H) known as “the year of grief”. The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) never married another woman in the life of Hazrat Khadija (R.A). Moreover, in the later years, He (S.A.W) constantly claimed that she was the best of all his wives. He also stated that she was one of the four most perfect ladies who've ever existed. The additional three are Hazrat Aasiya, Firaun's wife, Hazrat Maryam, Prophet Isa's (A.S) mother, and Hazrat Fatima Zahra, the daughter of Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W)

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