
The Superiority of Three Ashra’s of Ramadan and Their Importance in Islam

01 November 2022

Ramadan is a blessed month in which Muslims fast from dawn to dusk. It is among the most cherished and auspicious months in the Islamic year. The advantages that a Muslim can harvest are numerous with no chances of committing a sin because there’s literally no barrier between a believer and Allah Almighty. This month's blessings are unlimited, and it is separated into three sections, namely, Ashra's (with 10 days in every Ashra). Ramadan is the ninth and most fortunate month of the Islamic calendar. According to Islamic principles, the holy month of Ramadan is commemorated by Muslims globally as an act of fasting to celebrate the revelation of the Quran on Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH). It is the most essential pillar of Islam and one must not neglect it.

Fasting is a Muslim ritual that turns the heart away from materialistic pursuits in order to cleanse the spirit by liberating it from bad and destructive actions. In this revered month, Muslims also prefer performing Umrah as the reward gets doubled. Undertaking Umrah in the sacred month of Ramadan is equivalent to Hajj in rewards and benefits. Therefore, Muslims mostly obtain Ramadan Umrah packages in order to spend this blessed month in the House of Allah (SWT).

The three Ashra of Ramadan has their own significance and value. The very first is Rehmat, which means "Mercy of Allah," the second one is Maghfirah, which means "Forgiveness of Allah," and the last one is Najat, which means "Salvation." Below we will discuss all three Ashra’s and their significance in Islam with Dua’s to make:

First Ashra: Rehmat

Ramadan starts with the Ashra, which depicts richness and blessings. It is a lovely way to begin this holy month. In this Ashra, one must implore pardon from the Lord, who wishes no greater than to bestow the blessings of life and the Hereafter on His Ummah. A wonderful approach to getting into the Ramadan mood is to show the same compassion to other Muslim sisters and brothers that Allah grants to us all.

 Dua: “My Lord, forgive and have mercy, and you are the best of the merciful”

Second Ashra: Maghfirah

The second portion of Ramadan is all about begging Allah for forgiveness and serenity. deeply apologize to Him for your faults in the past, change your ways, and forgive anybody who has offended you. If Allah (SWT) can pardon us for our faults and wrongdoings, then we can do the same for our brothers and sisters who have mistreated us, whether consciously or inadvertently.

Dua: I ask forgiveness of my sins from Allah who is my Lord and I turn towards Him.”

Third Ashra: Nijaat

When God gives us Muslims the option to seek shelter from the Hellfire and wrath that we shall face in the Hereafter, it ought to be a blessing for us to embrace it and use it wisely. In regards, one of the most important nights of the Islamic calendar is concealed in the last 10 days of Ramadan. It is the "Night of Power," also referred to as Laila tul Qadr, during which the Quran was unveiled and which marked the commencement of the Prophet's (PBUH) path as a leader of the Muslim ummah.

Dua: “O Allah, you are Forgiving and love forgiveness, so forgive me”

Most Significant Events in The Last Ashra

Muslims should do positive actions and pray as often as they can throughout Ramadan, but the last Ashra has special significance owing to several significant occurrences that occur in the last Ashra. The final 9 or 10 nights of the Ashra are definitely the most critical nights for every Muslim.


Laylatul Qadr constitutes the most auspicious occurrence that occurs in the final Ashra of Ramadan, and it's the night that the Quran declares to be the greatest night in a thousand months. The Laila-tul-Qadr is a night when the Holy Book "Al-Quran" verses descended on the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). According to Islamic literature, the Laila-tul-Qadr is better than hundreds of previous nights. This night provides tremendous energy and strength to get really near ALLAH Almighty. This is also known as the "power night." This night is said to appear on the 27th of Ramadan, however, according to the literature, you must look for it on odd nights of Ramadan. It is mentioned in the Quran that:

The Night of Glory is better than a thousand months. That night the angels and the ?holy? spirit descend, by the permission of their Lord, for every ?decreed? matter. It is all peace until the break of dawn”. [97: 3-5]


Friday is the most fortunate day for Muslims, perhaps more so than Ramadan. However, when Friday approaches during Ramadan, the relevance of Friday grows so much more. Thus, Jummah-tul-Wida marks the last Friday of the Ashra, and this day is particularly special to every Muslim, as we all have to say Goodbye with a heavy heart to the month of Ramadan until next year. Ramadan concludes on Jummah-tul-Wida. On this day, special prayers are conducted, and mosques are packed with Muslims.


Itikaf is a Sunnah and spiritual activity that ties a person to Allah while disconnecting them from the world. Muslims normally conduct Itikaf in the last 10 days of Ramadan, however, there is no damage if any Muslim decides to undertake Itikaf during the first or second Ashra of Ramadan for whatever purpose. Because our dear Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) frequently did Itikaf in the last 10 days of Ramadan, several Muslims throughout the world prepare for Itikaf in the last Ashra. Men can isolate themselves in mosques while women can do this at their homes.

Summing Up

All three Ashra’s of Ramadan are significant, and Muslims are encouraged to fast and pray more than normal days throughout these 30 days. Moreover, the last ten days of Ramadan have more relevance due to the spiritual events that occur during this month. Muslims living in any part of the world observe this month with full dedication and commitment. They not just fast but also perform Umrah to get infinite blessings and graces of Allah Almighty.

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