
Best Ways to Stay Strong, Healthy, and Fit During the Holy Month of Ramadan

23 January 2023

Ramadan is the holiest month of the Islamic calendar that is highly revered in Islam. Muslims really cherish the arrival of this most anticipated month. The Holy month of Ramadan is the most important as during this time Muslims fast from sunrise till sunset. While fasting, no food or drink is permitted. In addition, people are urged to refrain from acting irrationally, picking fights, and giving charity to those in need. During this time, we are unable to consume any food. Be attentive to the things you do in this auspicious month. Excessive care and consideration are required in this sacred month. Moreover, a lot of Muslims make the most out of this month by opting for Umrah through customized or individual Ramadan Umrah packages. It is one of the best ways to eradicate your past committed sins. It’s an opportunity to rectify all your bad deeds by replacing them with good ones. Certainly, it makes you turn into a better Muslim and human being.

Moreover, one of the most important factors related to Ramadan is health and fitness. One should not get sick this month and take proper care of themselves in order to fully enjoy the blessings of this month. Although your physical health might benefit greatly from Ramadan, it is ultimately up to you to keep your body positive and strong. Having a healthy body is the foundation for a lively and inventive mind. In addition, many individuals who normally have trouble keeping their mental and physical health in check find fasting helpful. Focusing on and making some little adjustments to your everyday routine will help you maintain your fitness and health. In this blog, we'll be talking about just such little adjustments to your daily routine. Try to complete and achieve as many things as possible before Ramadan ends and get all the rewards and blessings from Allah Almighty. Listed below are some of the best ways to keep yourself healthy and fit during the holy month of Ramadan:

Never skip suhoor

The pre-dawn breakfast is the most crucial aspect of staying fit throughout Ramadan. If you want to fast until sunset, it seems to reason that your body will need a little additional fuel in order to go through the variety of tasks that you have planned to do throughout the day. The best choice for a pre-dawn meal would be one with complex carbs, high fiber, and ample protein.

Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated

Since you lose a lot of water via sweat and urine, it's important to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. So during suhoor and even after Iftar, your first priority should be to replenish yourself with fluids. In what quantity should you gulp down water? To some extent, that's conditional on variables like age, gender, latitude, and physical activity. Hydration is essential for our depleted bodies because water helps eliminate waste products. In addition to easing the discomfort caused by gallstones, it reduces the likelihood of developing urinary tract infections. Try to drink as many glasses of water as you can.

Eat healthy to keep your bladder balanced

Fasting has been linked to a variety of health benefits, including improved immunity and relief from symptoms of IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) and other digestive disorders. The risk of cardiovascular disease can be lowered by fasting due to balanced cholesterol. Though, during this holy month, it's especially crucial to eat well. In order to avoid health issues like heartburn, stomach pain, and incontinence, it's important to pay attention to what you put into your body when you eat. Whole grains including oatmeal, whole-grain bread, cereal, and brown rice are great for maintaining regular bowel and bladder function. Water is the best drink to keep your bladder healthy and secure. Dehydration aggravates the skin and makes it more vulnerable to diseases.

Stay fit and consume healthy food & drink

Make sure your iftar is healthful and nutritious, and steer clear of fried, fatty meals. They are harmful to your health. They slow down your metabolism and make you too sluggish to accomplish anything else. Fish, veggies, brown rice, and loads of fruit are all high-quality options that are also high in fiber. Caffeine and soft drinks both irritate the bladder and raise the risk of urinary tract infections.

A little exercise won't harm

In Ramadan don’t forget to work out for your bodily fitness. It is the ideal time to burn the most calories and keep your body in shape. Exercise has several health benefits, including weight management, cholesterol reduction, heart health enhancement, and muscular development. Do not exercise while fasting as it may impact your health. Do it after Iftar, when your body is at peak hydration. Water is a must while exercising.

Take supplements

When taken as directed, dietary supplements may help the body run smoothly. They help bridge the gap in nutrients. People take them keeping in view their specific dietary requirements. Everyone doesn't consume properly nutritious meals because of how hectic their lives are. So, consume these supplements regularly in accordance with your body's requirements to stay physically active and healthy. You can conquer the metabolic hurdles of Ramadan with the aid of these vitamins. Folic acid, Vitamin B12, Vitamin A, and Vitamin C are the most often used dietary supplements.

Don’t let yourself get exhausted

Ramadan has a somewhat different schedule than the rest of the year. Avoid going out on bright sunny days, since prolonged exposure to sunlight drains all your energy. However, you shouldn't sit about all day as well. It simply means that you shouldn't overdo it and force yourself to exhaustion and dehydration by doing too much.

Have a proper sleep

Fasting may sap your mental energy, so if you want to keep up with your typical routine even while eating less, it's best to get some shut-eye. Naps like this would serve as an energy boost that keeps you going all day. Don't take long naps since they might make you sluggish and give you trouble sleeping at night.

Summing up

The arrival of the holy month of Ramadan is eagerly anticipated by Muslims everywhere. The month of Ramadan is of immense spiritual significance to all Muslims. All of the blessings and advantages that are promised throughout the holy month of Ramadan are unlimited. If you eat sensibly and sprinkle in some modest exercise, you may have a healthy and productive Ramadan with few interruptions. The aforementioned ways can help you stay active and healthy throughout Ramadan.

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