
The Significance and Role of Mosques in the Islamic World

24 May 2021

A “mosque” refers to a Muslim house of worship. This word derives from the Arabic Term Masjid, meaning "place of prostration." Muslims gently bend and bow their foreheads to the floor while praying as a gesture of subjugation to God's will. A mosque is a really meaningful venue for a Muslim since it is a simple and effective method for Muslims to replicate the purest heavenly existence in the world. The mosque's essential role is to provide a gathering place for Muslims to worship. Nonetheless, mosques are today recognized throughout the world for their architectural styles and culture but more significantly, for their wide-ranging vivacity to the Muslim Ummah. A mosque pulls the community together since it serves as a social center, a community center, and an educational center, and many more.

On Fridays, all men are obligated to perform Jummah prayers at the mosque along with the sermon. The sermons generally have quite a high learning emphasis, attempting to implement and adopt Islamic principles and historical learnings into present-day lives. Sermons are important in unifying the Muslim community and they stand in mosques facing towards Ka’bah, the holiest place on earth. Muslims seek a value-based way of life, which they can obtain from a myriad of places including academic institutions, parents or guardians, elders, friends, and many other ways. In this regard, mosques can also play an integral role.

Mosques are the focal point of Islamic culture, instilling Islamic principles in Muslims who desire to internalize Islamic social and spiritual values in order to live as true Muslims. It seems that so many Muslims, who have not been properly educated regarding Islamic prayers by mosques, worship as they wish and in a distorted form. It is not beneficial for them or the Islamic faith as well. Therefore, praying in an Islamic manner in its right structure is a vital element for all Muslims. Muslims are required by Islam to pray five times a day: at dawn, noon, mid-afternoon, sunset, and night. Prayer allows Muslims to physically and psychologically disengage from their daily lives in order to connect with God repetitively.

The Origin of Mosque’s

The Prophet Muhammad's (S.A.W) initial home in Medina (modern-day Saudi Arabia) is regarded to have been the first mosque, and it most likely provided the basis for earlier mosque structure. It was a mud-brick construction with dwelling quarters on one side of a rectangular courtyard that was enclosed.

The Primary Role and Functions of the Mosque

Mosques represent the size and requirements of general Muslim communities, as the adherents gather to pray together five times a day. Originally, mosques were the epicenters of learning and knowledge production about Islam and different ways of life. Each mosque is intended to be constructed after the first mosque was established and guided by Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W) in Medina. The functions of a mosque cannot be comprehended without examining the first mosque and its role. After Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W) moved from Mecca to Medina, a great number of people were not Muslims. It had a sizable Jewish people, as well as Christians and a huge percentage of pagan Arabs. To show the significance of the mosque, Muhammad erected one upon his entrance in Medina, before even constructing his own home. It's the first madrassa (Islamic school) wherein Islamic ideology was preached and where Muhammad nurtured and guided his followers.

Different Parts of the Mosque

Even though every mosque is distinctive, there are certain similar aspects that emerged over Islamic history and are often observed in mosques across the world. The following are the most common parts that can be found in each mosque:


The term "minaret" comes from the Arabic word for "lighthouse" or "beacon." A minaret is a slender tower with porches or wide galleries wherein the muezzin of a mosque summons the devoted to prayer five times on a daily basis. Minarets are a prominent historical aspect of many mosques, albeit their height, form, and number differ. Minarets can be square, circular, hexagonal, octagonal, or maybe even spiral, and they often have a conical roof.

Prayer Hall

The center prayer space within is known as a musalla means "place for prayer”. It’s purposefully left plain. It’s a simple big area where a lot of Muslims can gather together for prayers. In it, everyone stands shoulder to shoulder without any sort of discrimination. There might be some seats available to help old or handicapped worshipers who have difficulties moving around. There are generally shelves that contain reprints of the Qur'an, wooden book stands (rihal), additional Islamic learning materials, and individual prayer mats around the walls and pillars of the hall.


Most mosques especially have a dome atop. A dome's inside is typically ornately adorned with flowery, spatial, as well as other designs. The central dome of a mosque typically involves the building's largest prayer hall.


The Mihrab is an ornate, semi-circular indent in the wall of the mosque's prayer chamber that indicates the Qiblah—the angle towards the Khana Kaaba in Mecca that Muslims turn to while praying. Mihrabs differ in size and color, but they are typically designed like a gateway and adorned with mosaic tiles and calligraphy.


The Minbar is an elevated podium on the front side of a mosque prayer hall where sermons or addresses are delivered. The minbar is often constructed of polished wood, stone, or brick. It has a brief stairway up to the top platform, that is occasionally covered by a tiny dome.

Ablution Area

Ablutions (ritual washing or wudu) are an element of Muslim prayer preparatory work. An area for ablutions is often provided in a restroom or bathroom. Conversely, a fountain-like design might be constructed along a wall or maybe in a courtyard. Clean water is accessible with tiny barstools typically provided to make it simpler to sit down and washing of feet.

Prayer Mats

Worshippers bend, kneel, and lay on the floor in submission to God while praying. In Islam, there is a condition that prayers must be conducted in a clean and healthy environment. Carpets and mats have now become a popular method to keep the prayer room clean. At one edge of the traditional praying mat, there is an arch-shaped emblem. Throughout the prayer, this sign depicts the Mihrab and must point toward the Qiblah direction.

Quranic Verses About the Mosque

The term mosque appears 28 times in the Quran, 12 times as a single word, 15 times as Masjid al-Haram, and once as Masjid al-Aqsa. The following are some of the verses of the Quran that shows the importance of mosque and where the mosque is mentioned:

Concluding Remarks

There are some mosques that are more significant than others. The Grand Mosque (Al-Masjid Al-Harm) in Mecca is a ubiquitous and global landmark of Islam, as well as the focal point of all prayers— it is the site of Umrah and Hajj. Millions of people pray there on a regular and it has the House of Allah (SWT) that Muslims face when praying. In Madinah, the Prophet's (S.A.W) Mosque known as Masjid-E-Nabwi is also significant. Muslims place a high priority on urging Mosques to function and act themselves in accordance with the Sunnah of the Prophet (S.A.W) and his Disciples, who serves as a role model for all Muslims.

Many Muslims do not go to the mosque at every prayer time and prefer to pray at home or wherever they are. But Islam highlights the importance of going to mosques and praying there. So, Muslims should try their best to pray most of their Namaz in the nearby Masjid. Praying with other Muslims also emerges the sense of brotherhood and solidarity and also refreshes your faith.

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Muslims Holy Travel