
Muslims Holy Travel Blog

Embark on a sacred journey with our bespoke travel solutions, guided and crafted by our experts. Discover the spiritual and logistics insights from our blog posts that cater to every pilgrim's needs, whether a first-time traveler or an experienced one.

25 August 2021
Importance of Hajj and Its Benefits – Individual and Collective

Hajj apparently means "to travel to, visit, and consistently go to an important and respectable site." Hajj is an Islamic term that refers to the devotion performed during the Hijri month of Dhul-Hijjah. It is executed by doing some holy duties in compliance with the criteria and procedures in Ka'ba, Arafat, Muzdalifah, and Mina. 9 years just after Hijrah (the migration of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) from Makkah to Madina), Hajj was made mandatory. The 5th tenet of Isla...Read More

Muslims Holy Travel
15 October 2021
An Insight About the Holy Journey Checklist and Packing Essentials

The pilgrimage of Hajj is accompanied by extensive planning and instructions. It must be carried out in accordance with a suite of norms. All Muslims are advised to learn and implement these standards in order to reap the most benefits and rewards from Allah (SWT). Prior to commencing on this sacrificial journey. Believers must enlighten themselves regarding the fundamental requirements of Hajj. Hajj is something that everybody should perform once in their lives and with their own halal money...Read More

Muslims Holy Travel
03 November 2021
No More Social Distancing Required During Umrah in Saudi Arabia

We all know that since 2019 COVID-19 pandemic has caused a lot of destruction. This one-of-a-kind virus proved to be extremely disastrous and dreadful for the whole world. It almost hits every single country and the world finds it difficult to cope with this virus. In its initial days, it was not curable and all you have to do is take preventive measures. That’s why researchers and WHO strongly recommended countries to opt for social distancing as well as other preventions. With every s...Read More

Muslims Holy Travel
12 July 2019
6 Top Halal Holidays Destinations Around the World

There are a lot of beautiful holiday destinations worldwide but for Muslim families, it was difficult to get to any place they want in the past. Then the realization comes and the term “Halal Holidays” came as a subcategory in tourism. All the countries then started to spend on tourism having a vast scope of opportunities. You may ask that what does Halal holidays actually mean and what it includes? Halal tourism includes Halal food, restaurants, cafes a...Read More

Muslims Holy Travel
24 May 2021
The Significance and Role of Mosques in the Islamic World

A “mosque” refers to a Muslim house of worship. This word derives from the Arabic Term Masjid, meaning "place of prostration." Muslims gently bend and bow their foreheads to the floor while praying as a gesture of subjugation to God's will. A mosque is a really meaningful venue for a Muslim since it is a simple and effective method for Muslims to replicate the purest heavenly existence in the world. The mosque's essential role is to provide a gathering place for ...Read More

Muslims Holy Travel
08 May 2021
7 Most Prominent and Influential Women in The History of Islam

Many Muslims have played a vital role in Islam to which many of the Muslim women look up to in today’s time period. The stories of their strength and outclass personalities have been admired by almost everyone. Islam gives great importance to women and grants them their rights when they were less valued in Arab. The historical perspective of Islam clearly shows how Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W) respects, values, and upholds high morals for women in society. There are several women who...Read More

Muslims Holy Travel
29 April 2021
Top 10 Historical Landmarks to Visit in Mecca

Makkah is best defined as the center of Islam. It has several magnificent and iconic sites that everybody, irrespective of religion, wishes to experience. Due to a large number of Muslim visitors and to preserve the sacredness of this Religious site, the government of Saudi Arabia has expressly forbidden non-Muslims from entering the Grand Mosque. However, they are permitted to enter all other mosques in the district. For Muslims, Makkah is the heart of their faith. Each year, thousands and m...Read More

Muslims Holy Travel
26 April 2021
Set SMART Goals in Ramadan to Serve the Real Purpose of the Blessed Month

The sacred month of Ramadan is indeed the best of all, with everlasting Allah's blessings. This divine month is a priceless time filled with riches, grace, and prosperity. This the time of the year every Muslim eagerly waits to try their best in it. Everybody sets some goals or targets to achieve in Ramadan whether it's fasting or the completion of the Quran. Ramadan is no doubt a cherished month that Muslims have strong faith that they will be forgiven. It is believed that Read More

Muslims Holy Travel
16 April 2021
An Extensive Hajj Guide About Performing Hajj with Kids

Hajj is the name assigned to the annual pilgrimage undertaken by thousands and millions of Muslims. This religious pilgrimage starts in Makkah, Saudi Arabia, and is important in Islam. Every elderly Muslim must perform this excursion at least once in their lifespan. The pilgrimage takes place during the Islamic month of Zil Hijjah, which also happens to be the Islamic calendar’s final month. It's among Islam's five pillars, along with Shahadah, Salat, Zakat, and Sawm. Istita'...Read More

Muslims Holy Travel
10 April 2021
Performing Hajj Can Protect You from The Dreadful Abode of Hell-Fire

The word "Hajj" is an Arabic term that simply means "constantly striving to achieve one's goal." The Hajj is amongst Islam's five pillars, and all capable Muslims are supposed to perform it at least once in their lifetime. The Hajj is frequently viewed as a chance to atone for past sins and begin freshly. Hajj is held on the eighth of Zilhaj, the very last month of the Islamic year, and is preceded by your true intent, also known as "Niyat." Hajj is Farz ...Read More

Muslims Holy Travel